November, Rajbiraj, Saptari: As part of the School Relation Tour Program, Nepal UNITES was successfully held at the Shree Rajdevi Thakodevi Jogendra Bhagat Secondary School in Rajbiraj- 1,Saptari, Madhesh Province, as part of the Quiz Contest Program which is support by Taichung YMCA based in Taiwan.
The school’s headteacher, Dinesh Prasad Yadav, appreciated the organizing team and stated that such events foster student’s intellectual growth. Every program of Nepal Unites strives to develop students’ leadership, skills, and intellectual growth through extracurricular activities. As an outcome, this is needed, and the chairperson of the school management committee, Dammar Narayan Yadav, is dedicated to supporting the Nepal Unites in anyway he can. There were 20 students in all, with five students in each of the four groups. Students in grades six through ten have taken part in this quiz competition.